Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kinley is 4 months old!

She's ready!

Mommy always has a helper : )

Kinley had her 4 month appt this week and she is growing!
23 3/8" (25%-on the short side just like the rest of her family)
13 lbs. 14 oz. (60%- Wow!- a little bigger than her brother who was still at 25% at 4 months)
They confirmed what we already knew.....she is a little chunky monkey! We love each and every one of the those rolls though. The doc gave us the go ahead to try some rice cereal. Kinley liked it the first day but the following two days wasn't too interested so we'll try again in another month. Mommy was really just hoping that maybe, just maybe, it would help her sleep a little better at night (not sure if it really works that way or not though). Looks like we have a few more 3am cuddles ahead of us.....I really don't mind too much but don't tell Kinley that : ). I know that these days of snuggles will go by too fast so I try and cherish them while I've still got them!
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1 comment:

Julie said...

I love her crossed eyes looking at that spoon :) So cute....

Miss ya and love ya, Aunt Julie

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